Galan Lithium Limited (ASX:GLN) (Galan or the Company) is pleased to announce the grant of an additional key tenement, E70/4629 targeting lithium-bearing pegmatites. The exploration licence has been granted for a period of 5 years to February 2029. The tenement is approximately 260 km south of Perth, the capital of Western Australia, and less than 30 km south of the Greenbushes pegmatite at the Greenbushes Mine (Talison Lithium). The area covers roughly 43 km2 and expands Galan’s 100% owned tenement package to a total area of 315 km2.
Newly granted tenement (E70/4629) located less than 30 km south of Greenbushes mine
Importantly, tenement contains the historic tin workings associated with lithium-bearing pegmatitesA re-interpretation of historical geophysical data acquired by Galan indicates that the Donnybrook-Bridgetown Shear Zone extends into E70/4629 and may be responsible for the emplacement of pegmatites.Processing of previous airborne geophysical data provides initial exploration targetsMaiden exploration campaign, including hand sampling and ground, geophysics set for H2 2024 over this highly prospective tenure
Commenting on this important milestone, Galan’s Managing Director, Juan Pablo Vargas de la Vega said ”The grant of this key exploration licence is an important pillar of Galan’s exploration and evaluation activities at Greenbushes South. The tenure is highly prospective and its geological setting gives us the confidence to commence a maiden field campaign at the earliest opportunity. We look forward to updating the market as we advance the project.”
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